Intercultural rehearsals - autori-vari - Libro Editrice Bibliografica
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Intercultural rehearsals

Intercultural rehearsals
Titolo Intercultural rehearsals
Curatori , ,
Collana Geografie Culturali
Editore Editrice Bibliografica
libro Libro
Lingua inglese
Pagine 288
Pubblicazione 06/2019
ISBN 9788893570947
23,00 21,85
risparmi: € 1,15
Spedito in 7 giorni

Compralo su:

Globalisation, migrations, demographic and socio-cultural transformations of human communities bring together a diversity of peoples, cultures, values, lifestyles and aspirations each and every day. “Interculture” is a key resource for developing and sustaining these new forms of relationships, social balances and changing worlds; the paradigm shift we need to change
our way of thinking, feeling and acting. This publication aims at providing food for thought to anyone interested in intercultural issues or actively engaged in multicultural contexts.
The journey we describe led all those involved in Art Clicks to acknowledge utopias and life projects such as a common human identity, Edgar Morin’s global citizenship, and “living together as equals in dignity”, the objective set at European level for just, inclusive, democratic, intercultural societies.
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